Python Programming Course for Medical Students

Medical students from related disciplines (e.g. medical technology) can now take part in a free Python programming course developed by the University Department of Neuroradiology.

In view of the increasing digitalization of medicine and the rapid advances in the field of machine learning, it is essential to train students in the fundamentals of data analysis and processing (programming/computer science) and knowledge extraction from data (data science). The focus is less on teaching mathematical fundamentals and more on the practical application of various modules to solve problems arising from clinical routine and medical research.

The aim is to teach students programming skills in Python, e.g. to be able to program small applications for processing large amounts of data themselves and to create an understanding of the technology behind digital medicine.

The course can be started and completed individually, no registration is necessary. However, students can use the email address to send in a final project for review or to ask questions directly.

You can find more information on our course webste.


Last Modification: 13.05.2024 - Contact Person:

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